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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Scary World of Twitter

One of my favorite vices is Twitter. As many of you know, it can be strangely addictive. Scanning through the many tweets I follow makes me think that Twitter is the internets version of Attention Deficit Disorder.
Twitter is just awesome for getting quick updates on friends, businesses, news etc. etc.
The haunters have embraced Twitter, and I will follow anything I can find related to the haunt industry.
But... I have to just put it out there. Theres some pet peeves I have about twitter, and speaking with some other twitterers, they agree with me.
- I follow you because, I like you... Or I like the haunt related information you provide me. I may look up to you as a leader in the haunt industry, as an inspiration, or even a celebrity of sorts. So please...
- dont give me your political views- I may not agree with you. And if you are so far opposite of my own political beliefs, I might just unfollow you. Set up a separate twitter account and spew political nonsense from that. I definitely didn't follow you to feel berated because you have a deep seated hatred for a political party that is not your own. This might just be me, but I have boycotted certain movie celebrities, rock stars, tv shows, movies etc. because instead of just giving me the entertainment I was looking for they decided to make public political statements that I just didn't agree with. I don't go on twitter to hear political news, political commentary, political advice, or political opinions. If i wanted to I would look for tweeters in those categories. As HauntNav I want haunt friends, and haunt industry info. Promise, I will keep my political blah blah blah to myself if you do the same.
-same goes for religion
- The idea behind twitter is to get a quick quip out there giving info, a bit of humor, a link, an update. When you tweet 20 tweets in a row so you can write a paragraphs worth of stuff you are kind of missing the point to Twitter. Get a blog and link your twitter to it.
-STOP repeating the same twit over and over again back to back. I can see retweeting a post every so often through the day so you reach your audience. But the whole repeating the same one over and over again back to back just makes me think of a horrible paid tv advertisement where the coked up guy is screaming at you to buy the garden weasel/ nose trimmer for 19.99. Ugh!
-if you are going to add a link, make sure it works.
- stop begging for followers- obviously i am already following you and if you are worth following, I'm going to turn other people on to you. When i read something worthwhile from you, I retweet it to my circle of followers. If they choose to follow you at that point, hooray.
-stop trying to sell me something with every damn tweet you write. Seriously. Mix it up a bit. Go ahead advertise your product, but if every tweet you put out is an ad or a plea to buy something, go away.
- nothing turns me off faster, then someone who tweets about how much they love them self. Over and over again... Or just someone who hates others. Insulting others and self proclaimed greatness = douchebag.
If Im a follower of you then you probably don't exhibit the above habits. So with that I thank you for making my twitter experiences awesome. Comment and let me know some of your pet peeves about twitter. Folks, more navigations to come!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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